Explore our big handbag for women collection and achieve that sweet spot between style and function. These bags are decorated smartly and spacious enough to carry your daily necessities and even more ... Vegan leather handbags for women feature high-quality handmade bags that are not only stunning but can withstand the test of time making them suitable for any event. Rijac believes fashion should go hand in hand with ethics. Importantly, every single bag is designed and made as an accessory and a value based statement. Whether working, going shopping or even out on a vacation, our oversized bags offer the right balance in any outfit's wear with designs that are functional as well as fashionable.

Beige Vian Sling Bag

Pink Vian Sling Bag

Purple Zio Handbag

Black Zio Handbag

Grey Vyna Handbag

White Vyna Handbag

White Nira 2-in-1 Tote Handbag

Black Nira 2-in-1 Tote Handbag

Grey Tilo Handbag

Black Solvi Handbag
Vegan Leather Is Not Only Safe But Classy Too
Vegan Leather is a way to introduce the world to something environmentally safe but classy too. Vegan leather is the one that uses and sacrifices no animals during the production of leather. As more and more people are becoming conscious about the environment, they are also gaining access to alternatives that are safe and stylish as well.
Safe -
There is no doubt in the fact that vegan leather is safer not only for the environment but for people as well. When manufacturing traditional leather, a heavy amount of harmful chemicals are used in the process of tanning. Other than this, a lot of animals are sacrificed to manufacture traditional leather. On the other hand, vegan leather does not use any harmful chemicals or sacrifices animals during manufacturing.
Durable -
Vegan leather is durable in all ways adding up to the total cost you spend in buying a vegan leather handbag. While there are some vegan leather that may not last as long, our vegan leather products are the best in quality and are known well for their durability.
Stylish -
Vegan leather is stylish and has a variety of colours, textures, and designs that you can choose from. Find something that aligns with your outfit perfectly in terms of the colour of your outfit and completely matches with the style of your outfit. Vegan leather looks and feels the same as traditional leather.
Go Forward With Vegan Leather For a Stylish Look
Vegan leather is safe, durable, and stylish. They are manufactured by keeping your environment in mind adding a touch of class and sophistication to your outfit. Whether you are looking for a mini bag, sling bag, tote bag, shoulder bag, etc. they are all available in your favourite colours and design for you to add to your collection.